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Product categories
Vacuum Reflow真空型回流焊
Seletive Solder 選擇性波峰焊
Reflow Series 回流焊类
Wave solder 波峰焊类
Robot 机器人自动化
CCD 视觉分析系统
Other Equipment 週边设備
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Kince Worldwide Co Ltd 

东莞市健时自动化设备有限公司成立于2006年,专业销售及服务为一体化的智能绿色设备生商制造商, 如高速点胶机,涂覆机,回流焊,波峰焊,喷雾机等,并拥有多项专利认证。自成立到今一直秉承着创新的技术和优质的服务,与客户双赢的经营宗旨,赢得了了广大客户的认同与信赖。

Kince 健时 同时代理的产品包括智能轻型机器人,台湾煥展氮气機  , 美国ACE 选择性焊接机等可广泛应用于航空,汽车,医疗,通讯及消费性电子行业。

One Kince One Goal

 Company history

1998: [Kince was established in Hong Kong]
2002: [Screen printer KWA1016 was introduced]
          [Commencement of own plant in Shenzhen (800sq.m./26 staff)]
2005: [Reflow AC series was introduced]
          [Commencement of own plant in Chongtou (2600sq.m./120 staff)]
          [Wave AC series was introduced]
          [CE Mark Certificate]
2008: [Reflow EP series was introduced]
          [Commencement of Suzhou branch office]
2009: [Partnering with DAESUNG in promoting its ScreenPrinter series]
2011: [Expansion of own plant in Chongtou (3,900sq.m./180 staff)]
          [Reflow Super EP series was introduced]
          [Wave Soldering Super EP series was introduced]
          [Partnering with MIRAE in promoting its Pick&Place Mounting Machines]
          [Partnering with DATAPAQ in promoting its Temperature Profiling System]
2012: [Partnering withZ-CHECKin promoting its Solder Paste Thickness MeasuringSystem]
2013: [Export business to overseas market – Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and India]
          [Partnering with SEC in promoting its X-ray Inspection System]
          [Partnering with MIRTEC in promoting its AOI Inspection Machines]
2014: [Full-automated Dispensing Machine KWA511 was introduced]
          [Commencement of Tianjin branch office item was started formally and have a press
          conference in KINCE WORLDWIDE CO.,LTD’s training center in Dongguan]
2014: [The first full auto Reflow super PRO system was appeared.]

2015: [Partnering with Aubo in promoting its Intellgent 6 Axis Robot]

          [Partnering with American ACE in promoting its Kiss Series Selective solder Machine]

2016: [February Semi-Auto Dispensing Machine launch to market]
2017: [Standalone Dispensing Machine launch to market]

          [New Model  In-line High Speed Dispensing Machine launch to market]

Our Strategy

    What is your guiding strategy in the business sector „focus“ in the next 3 to 5 years?

(growth, products, technical specialization, customer structure, markets)

[As we all know the challenge from competitor would never ending and to force us to upgrade ourselves in  every minute. 

    Kince would always keeping our team spirit on “One Kince, One Goal” in our group, either on director  to top management , or on top management to worker.

    Our strategy on 2009 to 2014, we would separate our whole production to a new four production group.

Every individual division would develop their own strategy in the market.

    Although our group would increase about 20 % manpower and costing, we feel this would do more good and professional service to our customer.

    We believe our solder paste printer product team would provide our professional proposal, experience, services to our respective customer regarding to get a perfect printing result and more high CPK value. (cpk 1.38 in Kince printer)

    We believe our reflow oven product team would provide our professional proposal, experience, services to our respective customer regarding to get a solder paste melting result and more high CPK value.(cpk 1.88 in Kince Oven)

    We believe our dispense machine product team would provide our professional proposal, experience, services to our respective customer regarding to get a glue dispense result and more high CPK value.(cpk 1.68 in Kince dispense machine. )

    We believe our AOI and SPI product team would provide our professional proposal, experience, services to our respective customer regarding to get a higher accurate result after inspected and more high CPK value.(cpk 1.68 in Kince SPI and AOI machine)

    No matter how hard to get the result of fasten response, effective up-grade our user friendly product and efficient service to all our customer, it is Kince’s strategy in coming three year.  

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